Deep Woods Stout-
As deep and dark as a moonless night in the sticks. A classic beer of Irish origin. If you ask for a pint in Ireland a rich, robust, Stout from a world renown brewery is what you'll get. This is a classic beer style that is a favorite of dark beer fans. Dark, roasted and malty, perfect for a feature beer at your St. Patrick's Day celebration. The classic food to pair with stout is oysters but a rich lamb or beef stew also makes a great pair. The kit contains: 9.3 lbs. Dark malt extract, 1 oz. Brambling bittering hops, 1 oz. Willamette aroma hops, 1/2 lb. Black Patent & 1/2 lb. Crystal 80°L grain blend, yeast, priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
Milkhouse Cream Stout-
This is an exceptionally smooth sweet Stout. It lacks the bitterness of the Deep Woods Stout and is made sweeter with the addition of milk sugar. Milk sugar is unfermentable by beer yeast so its addition defines this style. In England this is often called farm stout. If Irish style stouts are too bitter for you, this beer might bring you the satisfaction you are looking for. The kit contains: 6.6 lbs. Dark malt extract, 1/2 lb. lactose, 1 oz. N. Brewer bittering hops, 3/4 lb. Crystal 50°L , 1/4 lb. Chocolate malt, yeast, priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
Barrons Oatmeal Stout
An old style that is recently receiving more attention. We have gotten requests for an Oatmeal Stout for our kit lineup so here it is. The oats add body, mouth-feel, and creaminess to this beer. This is a smooth rich ale that is light on the hops to allow the full malty character to come through. More mild and less bitter than the Deep Woods Stout.
The kit contains: 6 lbs. Dark malt extract, 1 oz. Kent Goldings bittering hops, 1/2 oz. Fuggles aroma hops, 1/2 lb. Black Patent, 1/2 lb. 6 Row Barley, 1/4 lb Caramel 80, 1/2 lb. Flaked Oats grain blend, yeast, priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
To Russia With Love Imperial Stout-
A high alcohol beer that will even keep the Russians warm in Siberia. Once brewed by the British for the hearty thirsts of Czars of Russia. Now a favorite of heavy stout lovers around the globe. This kit packs a wallop and will take up to 1 year to get to it's peak flavor. We highly encourage you to set some aside and age for as long as you can keep your hands off it. The kit includes: 3.3 lbs. Dark Malt extract, 9.3 lbs. Amber Malt extract, 1/2 lb. Crystal 80°L, 1/4 lb. Black Patent & 1/4 lb. Roasted Barley grain blend, 2 oz. Galena bittering hops, 1 oz. Cascade aroma hops, yeast, priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
Coffeehouse Stout- A new brewing sensation sweeping the nation, our version
of this Winter favorite combines the intense roast flavor of Espresso coffee
beans with the bittersweet flavor of this robust stout recipe. Coffee adds another layer of bitterness making it a complex and enjoyable beer. Enjoy this
beer as an after dinner treat, or at breakfast if you must. The kit includes: 9.3 lbs Dark malt extract,
1/4 lb Espresso Coffee beans, 1/2 lb Black Barley grain malt, 1/2 lb Crystal
80°L grain malt, 1oz Nugget bittering hops, 1 oz Willamette
aroma hops, yeast, priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.