Scott Law- Scott one of the founders of WindRiver and has been the companies president since it's inception in 1993. Scott is active in every aspect of the operation of the business, from web design to sweeping the floors. Scott got the brewing bug while attending college in Montana in the 1980's. He worked for a brewery in Minneapolis for a few years before starting WindRiver in 1993. Scott has a great deal of knowledge in both home brewing, wine, and mead making. Rarely is there a question or problem he hasn't run into before. Scott loves being in the country. He grows a large vegetable garden, raises chickens, goats, bees, pigs and sheep and just generally loves playing farmer. Photos- Left- Scott and Ben. Middle- Out to tap maple trees. Top Left- Planting an apple tree. Lower Left- Starting a new colony of bees and aboard the Pride of Baltimore II at "Tall Ships Duluth 2010" |
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Tammie Law- Tammie is Scott's wife who helps out in the store or answering the phones when things get busy. Tammie is a full time home economics teacher at a local school. She recently became a certified master food preserver through the Wisconsin extension service. She knows a lot about brewing and making wine and certainly can get an answer out of Scott if you have a question for her she can't answer. Tammie loves to knit and has been known to bang out a nice pair of wool socks in a couple of evenings. Photos- Left- Tammie with Buffy and Bella shortly after they arrived. Rigth- A pair of Norwegian style mittens she knitted. One pair of many. |
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Benjamin Law- Ben is Scott and Tammie's son who thinks he is in charge of the whole operation. Ben loves to help out were he can. This usually means shoveling snow in the winter and sweeping floors in the summer. He also likes to stack orders that have been packed on the pallet for the UPS (or as Ben calls him the P.U.S.) man. Ben just turned 6 in January 2010. Obviously he knows little about brewing beer or wine but can fill you in on the best crystal malt to snack on. (He has loved crystal malt since the day he got teeth!) Ben also loves talking with customers and will take anyone interested out to see his pet goats Buffy and Bella. Photos- Left- all smiles in his soccer shirt. Middle- Ben and Buffy. Top Right- Unpacking our new laying hens. Bottom Right- Checking maple taps with Gramma. |
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