Old World Classic Pilsner- Too many commercial breweries use the term "Pilsner" to define their beers, and far to few actually brew a traditional "Pilsner" beer. You will definitely know why this style of beer is so popular in Europe once you have your first glass. This is a very popular beer that is an excellent all around lager. Authentic Saaz hops are used and a special crystal malt to give that classic golden amber color.
The kit includes: 6 lbs. Gold malt extract, 1 oz. Saaz bittering hops, 1 oz. Saaz aroma hops, 1/2 lb. Crystal 10°L, 1/2 lb. Carapils, yeast, and priming sugar, grain bag and instructions.
10,000 Lakes Light Lager- Here is a beer that is most reminiscent of the beer we stole from Dad's fridge as youngsters. A good beer for those who are looking for an American style premium beer. Cold, fizzy and tangy just as we remember. This is a good light style of beer for those who like flavor in a refreshing beer. Goes great with a hot summer, fishing, and general fun in the sun. The kit includes: 3.3 lbs. Gold malt extract, 1 lb. Gold dry malt extract, 1/2 oz. Cascade bittering hops, 1/2 oz. Cascade aroma hops, 1/2 lb Crystal 10°L & 1/2 lb. Carapils grain blend, yeast and priming sugar, grain bag and instructions.
Spirit of St. Louis Lager-This light lager uses rice extract to make this the lightest beer in our kit lineup. This is a great beer to make for those friends of yours that you still haven't been able to convert to home brew. Also great for those who complain that all of your beers are "too heavy", "too dark", or "too strong". A light refreshing "lawn mower" beer for those Bud and Genuine drinkers. The kit contains: 3.3 lbs Gold malt extract, 2.2 lbs. Rice extract, 1/2 oz. Hallertau bittering hops, 1/2 oz. Hallertau aroma hops, 1/2 lb. Carapils, yeast and priming sugar, grain bag and instructions.
Bayfield Vienna Lager- A smooth, malty light lager that goes great with meals (can you say "pizza beer"?) A great every day beer to share with friends and family. Goes well with fun in the sun on Wisconsin's North Shore. The kit includes: 6.6 lbs. Gold malt extract, 1 oz. Perle bittering hops, 1 oz. Hallertau aroma hops, 1/2 lb. Vienna Malt 5°L, 1/4 lb. Wyermann Cara Red 5 °L, 1/4 Lb Munich 20°L yeast, and priming sugar, grain bag and instructions.
Hay River Helles- Helles means "pale" in German. A Helles style beer indicates a medium bodied, malty flavor with a less pronounced hop aroma than a Pilsner. Inspire by the German built stone farmhouses dotting the Hay River valley in north western Wisconsin.
The kit includes: 6.6 lbs. Gold malt extract, 1 oz. Hallertau bittering hops, 1 oz. Tettnanger flavor hops, 1 oz Hallertau aroma hops 1/2 lb. Wyermann CaraHell 20°L, 1/2 lb. Carapils, yeast, and priming sugar, grain bag and instructions.
Minnehaha Maibock- This is a classic late spring bock that has a golden color and a higher alcohol content than any of the other light lager's. This delightful beer will put a smile on your face and make you realize the meaning of its name. ("laughing waters") Has a malty flavor that is accented with floral hop overtones. Brew in the dead of winter to enjoy this fine lagers flavor when the grass is green again. The kit contains: 9.3 lbs. Gold malt extract, 2 oz. Perle bittering hops, 1 oz. Saaz aroma hops, 1/2 lb. Carapils, 1/2 lb. Crystal 10°L, yeast and priming sugar, grain bag and instructions.