Old Glory American Ale- Almost every brew pub and small brewery in the country makes a pale ale. Lighter in color than the popular Gopher Pale Ale. A heavy dose of Cascade hops gives this beer a distinctive aroma. A well balance beer that should be a staple in your beer selection. Goes great with all kinds of food and great in a cooler with ice next to your favorite lawn chair. The kit includes: 6.6 lbs. Gold malt extract, 1/2 lb. Crystal 20°L & 1/2 lb. Carapils grain blend, 1 oz. Perle bittering hops, 2 oz. Cascade aroma hops, yeast and priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
Gopher Pale Ale- This ale may have "pale" in it's name, but it has a flavor you can really sink your buck teeth into. A amber pale ale similar to many of the great British pale ales. A great kit for those who are just getting into home brewing and want a crowd pleasing beer to share with friends. Has been a favorite of home brewers for decades and is also the most popular micro-brewed style. Another staple to have in the cellar. The kit includes: 3.3 lbs. Gold malt extract, 3.3 lbs. Amber malt extract, 1/2 lb. Crystal 10°L & 1/2 lb. Carapils grain blend, 1 oz. Willamette bittering hops, 1 oz. Fuggles aroma hops, yeast and priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
English Tavern Bitter- A classic every day beer of English pub life. A standby favorite for those with a taste and nose for hops. Also goes well with a shore lunch of fried fish and potatoes. This beer has a great deal of hop bitterness and a strong floral hop aroma. A great pale beer for the hop lover. If "more hops" is your motto try this kit, it might end up being your go to beer for all occasions. The kit includes: 6 lbs. Gold Malt Extract, 2 oz. Falconer's Flight bittering hops, 1 oz. Fuggles and 1 oz. Goldings aroma hops, 1/2 lb. Crystal 10° L &1/2 lb. Carapils grain blend, yeast and priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
Outback Honey Ale- Honey gives this flavorful brew a light crisp body and flavor. A great summer beer and one for those who prefer a "light" beer. The honey adds just a hint of sweetness. Goes great with grilled fish or shrimp. Best served cold on a hot day. The kit includes: 3.3 lbs. Gold Malt extract, 3 lbs. Honey, 1/2 lb. Carapils grain blend, 1/2 oz. Willamette bittering hops, 1/2 oz. Fuggles aroma hops, yeast, and priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
Northland Hophead ESB- ESB stands for Extra Special Bitter. A highly hopped beer that is balanced out by a heavy dose of malt. A classic that can be found served in many small pubs in England. A great beer for the hop lover. The bitter bite of this beer will cut through rich foods like grilled steak in the summer or a good rich pot roast in the winter. The kit includes: 6.6 lbs. Gold Malt Extract, 1 Lb Gold Dry Malt Extract, 2 oz. Challenger bittering hops, 1 oz. Fuggles flavor hops, 1 oz First gold flavor hops, and 1 oz. Goldings aroma hops, 3/4 lb. British Light Crystal Malt 55° L &1/4 lb. Wheat Malt grain blend, yeast and priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.
Cream of the Crop American Ale- A classic pre-prohibition style ale that is light and hoppy backed with a firm malt body. If you are looking for a special Cream ale this is the kit for you. This is a good kit for people who don't like bitter beers and prefer something smoother. A great summer "lawn mower" beer. The kit contains: 6 lbs. Gold Malt extract, 1/2 lb. Carapils grain blend, 1 oz. Cascade bittering hops, 1/2 oz. Cascade aroma hops, yeast, priming sugar,grain bag and instructions.
George Ramsay's Scottish Light Ale - A 60 shilling ale made to pay homage to a Scottish friend of mine, George, who we relentlessly give a hard time to on St. Patrick's Day. A lightly hopped ale that goes well with a good laugh or some smoked salmon. Has a great full body, that's very smooth and rich. (the beer, not George!) Even if you don't own a kilt or know the difference between Ireland and Scotland, this kit will be a favorite. The kit includes- 3.3 Gold malt extract, 1# Gold Dry malt extract, 4oz light brown sugar, 3/4 lbs crystal 20°L, 1/4 Roasted Barley, 8oz Malto Dextrine, 1oz Goldings bittering hops, yeast, priming sugar, grain bag and instructions.
Jack Pine Savage IPA- Like things bitter? Can't get enough hop flavor? This beer will satisfy your taste buds and shock those who like "smooth". An axe in your face IPA with a strong bitterness and strong Cascade aroma. You don't have to live deep in the woods to enjoy this one, just a good hearty appreciation for having things a little on the wild and bitter side. The kit includes- 9.3 lbs Gold Malt extract, 1/2lb Toasted malt, 1/2 Carapils, 3oz Centennial bittering hops, 1oz Centennial flavor hops, 1oz Cascade flavor hops, 1oz Cascade aroma hops, yeast, priming sugar, grain bag and complete instructions.